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MOEF & CC Recognized, NABL Accredited And ISO Certified Laboratory in Bangalore/Bengaluru (Karnataka) India.
SIRC is an analytical laboratory that specializes in analytical testing of environmental samples ( Water,effluents,soil, ambient air, stack & Noise) and Food for a full range of contaminants. We are equipped with world class instruments to analyses all environmental parameters. our team is well qualified and vast experience in environmental field as well as food.
Using methods from APHA,EPA, IS Methods, OSHA, NIOSH and ASHRIE,WHO standard and in-house techniques, SIRC provides clients with high quality, low reporting limit data to assess sample quality.
SIRC is an analytical laboratory that specializes in analytical testing of environmental samples (Water, effluents, soil, ambient air, stack & Noise),Steam Quality ( Pharma & Food ),Compressed air and Industrial gases ( Nitrogen, Helium, Argon, Hydrogen, Medicinal Oxygen),Material (Metals and alloys), Ores and Minerals  and Food for a full range of contaminants.
We are equipped with world class sophisticated instruments to analyses all the above services. Our team is well qualified with vast experience.
Using methods from APHA,ASTM, IS/ISO, USEPA, ASHRAE,NIOSH, EPA, BP, EuP, USP and in-house methods(National & International). We provide clients with high quality, low reporting limit data to assess sample quality.
Accreditation & Certification
We provide services like Environmental Services, Indoor air quality Monitoring, Food and Industrial training, Environmental consultancy, ETP/STP Design & O/M- Solutions etc.
We provide services like Environmental Services, Indoor air quality Monitoring, Food and Industrial training, Environmental consultancy, ETP/STP Design & O/M- Solutions etc.
We provide services like Environmental Services, Indoor air quality Monitoring, Food and Industrial training, Environmental consultancy, ETP/STP Design & O/M- Solutions etc.
We provide services like Environmental Services, Indoor air quality Monitoring, Food and Industrial training, Environmental consultancy, ETP/STP Design & O/M- Solutions etc.
Every Picture Tells a Story: Dive into Our Gallery.
Every Picture Tells a Story: Dive into Our Gallery.
SIRC is built on three valuesÂ
We provide industrial trainings like Industrial Microbiology & Fermentation Technology, Medical Microbiology, Environmental Studies & Instrumental Analysis.
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We provide Environmental Consultancy services like –
1. licensing –CFE/CFO/EC-KSPCB
2. Performance and Evaluation of ETP
We provide ETP/STP Design & O/M- Solutions like –
1. Treatment study and Troubleshooting for water & Waste water treatment plant.
2. Erection, Execution &AMC of WTP,ETP,STP.
1. Proximate analysis-Moisture, Fat, Crude fibre, dietary fibre, Total ash, protein, carbohydrates and sugar analysis.
2. Compositional analysis of protein, Carbohydrates, Fats and vitamin & minerals.
Meet the Minds Behind the Magic: Our Talented Team
Meet the Minds Behind the Magic: Our Talented Team
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He oppose at thrown desire of no. Announcing impression unaffected day his are unreserved indulgence. Him hard find read are…
He oppose at thrown desire of no. Announcing impression unaffected day his are unreserved indulgence. Him hard find read are…
Reach Out, We’re Here to Help: Contact Us with Your Inquiries
8494900231 8892972297 9632917186
sircbangalore@yahoo.com info@sircblr.in
SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH CENTRE 91/43,1st Floor, 8th Cross, Goraguntepalya, Yeshwantapura Industrial Area, Bangalore–560022
Goa, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata
Reach Out, We’re Here to Help: Contact Us with Your Inquiries
Let’s Start the Conversation: Contact Us Today.
8494900231 8892972297 9632917186
sircbangalore@yahoo.com info@sircblr.in
SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH CENTRE 91/43,1st Floor, 8th Cross, Goraguntepalya, Yeshwantapura Industrial Area, Bangalore–560022
Goa, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata
Reach Out, We’re Here to Help:
Contact Us with Your Inquiries
Reach Out, We’re Here to Help: Contact Us with Your Inquiries